Healing with nature.

Offering safe and therapeutic guided
fungi journeys for humans at any
stage on their path of self discovery.

Dear you,

Right under your feet grows a vast underground mycelial network, which acts as nature's world wide web. This intrinsic fungal highway provides communication and connections between all individuals, like trees and plants, in an ecosystem. It is from this network that mushrooms and truffles sprout as its fruit.

When humans ingest medicinal fungi, we may awaken to the interconnectedness of everything: our emotions link with memories, our physical bodies, spiritual realms, our families, our communities, and nature. We move from thinking to feeling. If you made it here onto this page, you might have reached a fork in the road towards a new destination and deeper understanding of yourself and life. Welcome.

An ancient practice.

Similar to mycelium’s function in decomposing dead organisms and recycling them into new lifeforms, mushrooms break down various tensions, traumas, and toxicities in our own systems and transmute them into positive emotions and states of mind.

The medicine strips down our beliefs of how we think reality is supposed to be. Surrendering to a space of openness β€” where insights and ideas can flow freely, even beyond our control β€” we become a grateful observer of our thoughts.

Our ancestors knew this, and for them, the fruiting bodies of fungi were a sacred and revered ally and sacrament for many thousands of years, dating even 9.000 years back.


After showing us what needs to be healed β€” often times old traumas and deeply rooted patterns desiring to be felt and released β€” the medicine rewires our hearts and minds to be more positive, open, and joyful.

Having evolved and survived for more than a billion years, we believe fungi can truly help humanity transform into a more intelligent, loving, and harmonious species, pealing off the layers of fear and conditioning, to arrive home to our authentic core: freedom and wholeness.

Andrea from Stellar Folk

Stellar Folk helps people explore their inner worlds and access a deeper intuitive intelligence, by offering guided fungi sessions.


With great respect and reverence for both the ancient traditional cultures through which earth medicines have been preserved as for the medicine itself, we have been called to create a somatic, trauma-informed approach – rooted in safety, presence and non-duality – that is attuned to the needs of those living in Western industrialised society.

A society that has deeply severed our connection to our souls, bodies and nature, now being called back to wholeness.

The purpose of our introspective and psychedelic immersions.

  • Reduce stress and anxiety

  • Lift energetic and emotional blockages

  • Getting to the root of our limiting thoughts, beliefs and coping mechanisms

  • Receive answers from our subconsciousness

  • Make the first step to overcoming addictions

  • Face, process and gently release old frozen trauma and repressed emotions in the body and nervous system β€” learn to feel safe in your body again

  • Deepen our belonging and reciprocity to nature and all living beings

  • Explore social and ecological justice themes

  • Heal and grow to our full harmonious universal potential

  • Generate a lasting awe for existence

What do we offer?

Fungi ceremony

For folks who wish to have a deep dive with the medicine, we offer 24 hour ceremonial retreats. These can be for individuals, for couples or for private groups to up to 5 participants.

Light fungi

Even a small dose can be very beneficial and insightful. If you would like to get acquainted with the medicine, you can opt for a half day, light-dose, one-on-one session.

Symbiosis retreat

For a multiple day nature immersion with intensive support on all levels, the Symbiosis retreat promises transformation on your life path. Explore Symbiosis and other past- and upcoming events here.

With millennia of sacramental use, a mountain of scientific support, tons of incredibly moving anecdotal stories, historically peaking popularity among psychonauts globally, psilocybin is finally being seen by the public for what it is:

A safe and sacred, non-addictive, highly therapeutic, life-transforming, pharmaceutical-beating medicine.

β€”Lorna Liana


About the facilitator.

Your session will be facilitated, lovingly guided and musically accompanied by Andrea from Stellar Folk; depending on the size of the group, she will be joined by another space holder. The structure of the sessions has been put together with guidance from a clinical psychologist. The sessions can be held in English, Spanish, Dutch or French.

Read more about Andrea on the About page:

β€˜β€˜I offer you a compassionate, loving, non-judgemental and dependable presence to enable you to get as much from this experience as possible.’’


For any questions you might have, please reach out. I will be very happy to hear from you! We can also plan in a call for a free conversation to find out if this work is for you.

β€œPerhaps everything that frightens us is, in its deepest essence, something helpless that wants our love.”

β€” Rainer Maria Rilke

Read more about our offerings

Fungi ceremony

For folks who wish to have a deep dive with the medicine, we offer 24 hour ceremonial retreats. These can be for individuals, for couples or for private groups to up to 6 participants.

Light fungi

Even a small dose can be very beneficial and insightful. If you would like to get acquainted with the medicine, you can opt for a half day, light-dose, one-on-one session.