Light fungi session

An individual session with a small dose can bring many insights on one’s path.

Although most people tend to go straight for the full ceremony, if you feel called to work with the the Spirit of Mycelium, a great and gentle way to get acquainted with this form of ceremonial self-inquiry is to experience a light-dosed session. This can be held in our therapy room in Ibiza or at the comfort of your home if it meets certain criteria to ensure you have a high quality experience.

What to expect.

First we will have an informal conversation to gauge initial levels of interest and vibe, and answer any basic questions you may have – establishing trust between us is vital.

A second, more formal intake conversation will be had based on your intake form. Here we will further discuss your background, what has brought you to this point, as well as expectations and possible concerns. We will be able to have a more distilled and integrated understanding of your intentions for the ceremony. This can be done by phone or video call.

Prior to the session, you will receive a preparation guideline to set your intentions and to prepare yourself mentally and physically.

Visionary artwork by Aphra Natley

A light one-on-one session takes an average of 4 hours in total. The first hour, you will be explained exactly what to expect over a cup of tea, and we will discuss any last questions you may have. We will then settle in with several somatic relaxation exercises to soften the nervous system β€” bodywork, breathwork and meditation. This will help you step into the journey feeling comfortable, safe and grounded.

This is then followed by a 2 hour, very light journey where you will be lying comfortably with an eye mask on, listening to a carefully curated playlist, with presence of the therapist.

The session ends with an hour of gentle integration, self-enquiry and body awareness work. You will be encouraged, with guidance from the therapist, to generate your own insights and ideas from the experience, with the aim of changing unhelpful emotional and behavioural patterns, many of these stemming from our youth.

It is advisable to take the rest of the day off for a gentle integration. Further communications over the following days via voice or text message is possible to help with any other integration needs you may have.

β€œYou find peace not by rearranging the circumstances of your life, but by realizing who you are at the deepest level.” 

― Eckhart Tolle

Preparation & integration

Both the preparation period prior to the session, and especially the integration time afterwards, are a huge part of the experience and essential for its success and transformational quality. The more you approach a session with reverence, the more gifts the mushroom will bestow on you. The cleaner, healthier and more aware you live and eat in the days before, the more benefits you will receive from the session.

We ask you to reduce to zero at least 5 days prior to the event: caffeine, black tea, meat, alcohol, drugs and medicines.

Some medicines will be required to stop being taken for at least 6 or even 12 weeks. These, and other requirements for your health and safety, are mentioned in the following link:

On the day itself you will only eat plant-based (vegan) food, until at least 3 hours prior to the start of the event. Make sure you drink plenty of water or herbal tea in the morning. Remember: no coffee!

Keep your agenda as empty as possible in the days before and after the session for a nice, quiet preparation and integration. It’s recommended to keep the day of the session entirely free.

There will be an intake form to be filled in for first-timers (followed by the intake phone call).

After the journey we will get in touch by phone again, to help you with the integration process.

If you feel you need more guidance in the days or weeks afterwards, you can also book a face-to-face or online integration session for €60 per hour.

Reservation & investment

Your investment for a 4 hour one-on-one session is β‚¬250.

This number is based on the time and costs we invest to make these sessions possible. Please get in touch if this is out of your reach; we aim to stay accessible for everyone in search of healing β™‘

For questions or bookings:

  • Half of the payment is required for cancellations within the last 3 days prior to the session.

  • Adults under the age of 25 get a 20% discount.

For individual sessions in Ibiza we have a therapy space available, but we can come to your house as well.

To start the booking process, you can send an email to, or you can directly fill in the intake form. Feel free to contact us anytime to book a free introductory phone call, we would be happy to answer any questions at all you might have.

β€œOut beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field.
I'll meet you there.”

– Rumi